smart threads tagged posts

Threading the Way to Touch-Sensitive Robots

The twisted smart threads developed by KAUST researchers can be woven into pressure-sensitive ‘electronic skin’ fabrics for use in novel clothing, robots or medical prosthetics. Credit: © 2016 KAUST

The twisted smart threads developed by KAUST researchers can be woven into pressure-sensitive ‘electronic skin’ fabrics for use in novel clothing, robots or medical prosthetics. Credit: © 2016 KAUST

Smart threads can be woven into pressure-sensitive electronic skin for robots or medical prosthetics. Fabrics containing flexible electronics are appearing clothes with in-built screens and solar panels. These fabrics can act as electronic skins that can sense their surroundings and could have applications in robotics and prosthetic medicine. Researchers at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia, have now developed smart threads that detect the strength and location of pressures exerted on them.

Most flexible sensors function by detecting changes in the el...

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