soft electrodes tagged posts

Soft Gold enables Connections between Nerves and Electronics

Close-up illustrating that the gold nanowires combined with soft silicon rubber are stretchable.
The soft electrodes developed by Klas Tybrandt’s research group at Linköping University are stretchable to follow the body’s movements without damaging tissue. They consist of extremely thin threads of gold and soft silicone rubber.THOR BALKHED

Gold does not readily lend itself to being turned into long, thin threads. But researchers at Linköping University in Sweden have now managed to create gold nanowires and develop soft electrodes that can be connected to the nervous system. The electrodes are soft as nerves, stretchable and electrically conductive, and are projected to last for a long time in the body.

Some people have a “heart of gold,” so why not “nerves of gold”? In the future, it may be possible to use this precious metal in soft interfaces to connect electronics to the ...

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