solar flare tagged posts

A Stormy, Active Sun may have Kickstarted Life on Earth

An animation of the sun shows a bright spot, from which erupts a cloud of solar material and burst of bright particles.
A close up of a solar eruption, including a solar flare, a coronal mass ejection, and a solar energetic particle event.
Credits: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center

The first building blocks of life on Earth may have formed thanks to eruptions from our sun, a new study finds.

A series of chemical experiments show how solar particles, colliding with gases in Earth’s early atmosphere, can form amino acids and carboxylic acids, the basic building blocks of proteins and organic life. The findings were published in the journal Life.

To understand the origins of life, many scientists try to explain how amino acids, the raw materials from which proteins and all cellular life, were formed...

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Researchers Discover Mysterious Source of ‘Heartbeat-Like’ Radio Bursts in a Solar Flare

An illustration showing EOVSA capturing a pulsating radio burst from a solar flare. Image Credit: Sijie Yu of NJIT/CSTR; Yuankun Kou of NJU; NASA SDO/AIA

A solar radio burst with a signal pattern, akin to that of a heartbeat, has been pinpointed in the Sun’s atmosphere, according to a new study.

In findings published in the journal Nature Communications, an international team of researchers has reported uncovering the source location of a radio signal coming from within a C-class solar flare more than 5,000 kilometers above the Sun’s surface.

Researchers say the study’s findings could help scientists better understand the physical processes behind the energy release of solar flares – the solar system’s most powerful explosions.

“The discovery is unexpected,” said Sijie Yu, the...

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Particle Accelerator Region revealed inside a Solar Flare

A new study offers the first direct evidence showing where near-light speed particle acceleration occurs inside the largest explosion known in the solar system, the solar flare. Image Credit: Sijie Yu of NJIT/CSTR; NOAA GOES-16/SUVI

A new study offers direct evidence showing where near-light speed particle acceleration occurs inside the largest explosion known in the solar system, the solar flare.

Solar flares are among the most violent explosions in our solar system, but despite their immense energy — equivalent to a hundred billion atomic bombs detonating at once — physicists still haven’t been able to answer exactly how these sudden eruptions on the Sun are able to launch particles to Earth, nearly 93 million miles away, in under an hour.

Now, in a study published June 8 in Na...

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Exotic Matter uncovered in the sun’s atmosphere

A solar flare captured by NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory in 2015. Credit: NASA / SDO.
A solar flare captured by NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory in 2015. Credit: NASA / SDO.

Scientists have announced a major new finding about how matter behaves in the extreme conditions of the sun’s atmosphere. Their work has shed new light on the exotic but poorly understood ‘fourth state of matter,’ known as plasma, which could hold the key to developing safe, clean and efficient -nuclear energy generators on Earth.
The scientists used large radio telescopes and ultraviolet cameras on a NASA spacecraft to.

Most of the matter we encounter in our everyday lives comes in the form of solid, liquid or gas, but the majority of the Universe is composed of plasma – a highly unstable and electrically charged fluid. The Sun is also made up of this plasma.

Despite being the most commo...

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