solid-state complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) tagged posts

Biologically Powered Chip Created

Illustration depicting biocell attached to CMOS integrated circuit with membrane containing sodium-potassium pumps in pore. Credit: Trevor Finney and Jared Roseman/Columbia Engineering

Illustration depicting biocell attached to CMOS integrated circuit with membrane containing sodium-potassium pumps in pore. Credit: Trevor Finney and Jared Roseman/Columbia Engineering

System combines biological ion channels with solid-state transistors to create a new kind of electronics. Researchers have, for the first time, harnessed the molecular machinery of living systems to power an integrated circuit from ATP, energy currency of life. They integrated a conventional solid-state complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) integrated circuit with an artificial lipid bilayer membrane with ATP-powered ion pumps, opening the door to creating entirely new artificial systems that contain both biological and solid-state components.

“We are excited at the prospect of expanding the palette...

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