spin Hall effect tagged posts

Paving the way for Spintronic RAMs: A deeper look into a powerful spin phenomenon

Figure 1. An extremely simple MRAM
An extremely simple MRAM

The proposed combination of materials serves as a memory unit by supporting read and write operations. The spin injection by the topological insulator (TI) material reverses the magnetization of the ferromagnetic (FM) material, representing the “write” operation. Furthermore, the spin injection can also change the overall resistance of the materials, which can be sensed through an external circuit, representing the “read” operation.

Scientists at Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech) explore a new material combination that sets the stage for magnetic random access memories, which rely on spin – an intrinsic property of electrons – and could outperform current storage devices...

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Researchers aim for Spintronic Applications thanks to great Leap Forward

Researchers created sample devices to aid researchers explore potential applications.

Electric currents drive all our electronic devices. The emerging field of spintronics looks to replace electric currents with what are known as spin currents. Researchers from the University of Tokyo have made a breakthrough in this area. Their discovery of the magnetic spin Hall effect could lead to low-power, high-speed and high-capacity devices. They have created sample devices which can further research into potential applications.

“Electricity lit up the world and electronics connected it,” says Professor Yoshichika Otani from the Institute for Solid State Physics. “Spintronics will be the next step forward in this procession and we can only imagine what advances it may bring.”

So wha...

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