spintronic devices tagged posts

New Material could hold key to Reducing Energy Consumption in Computers and Electronics

Stock computer chip
A University of Minnesota Twin Cities team has, for the first time, synthesized a thin film of a unique topological semimetal material that has the potential to generate more power and memory storage in computer chips while using significantly less energy.
CREDIT: iStock

A University of Minnesota Twin Cities team has, for the first time, synthesized a thin film of a unique topological semimetal material that has the potential to generate more computing power and memory storage while using significantly less energy. The researchers were also able to closely study the material, leading to some important findings about the physics behind its unique properties.

The study is published in Nature Communications.

As evidenced by the United States’ recent CHIPS and Science Act, there is a ...

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Spin Transport Measured through Molecular Films now long enough to develop Spintronic Devices

Schematic illustration of the spin transport demonstration of αNPD molecular thin film

Materials breakthrough in microfabrication could lead to a new generation of smaller, faster, energy-efficient electronics. A research group has succeeded in measuring spin transport in a thin film of specific molecules — a material well-known in organic light emitting diodes — at room temperature. They found that this thin molecular film has a spin diffusion length of approximately 62 nm, a length that could have practical applications in developing spintronics technology. In addition, while electricity has been used to control spin transport in the past, the thin molecular film used in this study is photoconductive, allowing spin transport control using visible light.

Information processing dev...

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Atomic Clock mimics long-sought synthetic Magnetic State

JILA physicists used a strontium lattice atomic clock to simulate magnetic properties long sought in solid materials. The atoms are confined in an optical lattice, shown as an array of disk-shaped traps set at shallow depths. A laser (yellow wave) probes the atoms to couple the atoms' spins and motions. The two atomic spin states are illustrated in red and blue. Credit: Steven Burrows and Ye Group/JILA

JILA physicists used a strontium lattice atomic clock to simulate magnetic properties long sought in solid materials. The atoms are confined in an optical lattice, shown as an array of disk-shaped traps set at shallow depths. A laser (yellow wave) probes the atoms to couple the atoms’ spins and motions. The two atomic spin states are illustrated in red and blue. Credit: Steven Burrows and Ye Group/JILA

JILA physicists have caused atoms in a gas to behave as if they possess unusual magnetic properties long sought in harder-to-study solid materials. Representing a novel “off-label” use for atomic clocks, the research could lead to the creation of new materials for applications such as “spintronic” devices and quantum computers...

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Graphene Nanoribbons: It’s all about the Edges

Illustration of a graphene nanoribbon with zigzag edges and the precursor molecules used in its manufacture. Electrons on the two zigzag edges display opposite directions of rotation (spin) -- "spin-up" on the bottom edge (red) or "spin-down" on the top edge (blue). Credit: EMPA

Illustration of a graphene nanoribbon with zigzag edges and the precursor molecules used in its manufacture. Electrons on the two zigzag edges display opposite directions of rotation (spin) — “spin-up” on the bottom edge (red) or “spin-down” on the top edge (blue). Credit: EMPA

Scientists have now managed to synthesise GNR with perfectly zigzagged edges using suitable carbon precursor molecules and a perfected manufacturing process. The zigzags followed a very specific geometry along the longitudinal axis of the ribbons. This is an important step, because researchers can thus give graphene ribbons different properties via the geometry of the ribbons and especially via the structure of their edges.

With molecules in a U-shape, which they allowed to grow together to form a snake-like shape, ...

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