SPIRou instrument tagged posts

Small Planets Orbiting Low-Mass Stars detected with the SPIRou instrument and the TESS satellite

Small planets orbiting low-mass stars detected with the SPIRou instrument and the TESS satellite
The SPIRou instrument during its integration into the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope. Credit: S. Chastanet, OMP/IRAP/CNRS

Since the discovery in 1995 of a planet in orbit around a star other than the sun, research in exoplanetology has revolutionized our knowledge of planetary systems. The SPIRou instrument, installed at the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope, contributes to these results, in particular by observing the possible planets identified by the TESS observatory satellite.

By combining the data from both instruments, the planet TOI-1695b has been discovered, and is one of the new sub-Neptune and super-Earth type planets revealed by SPIRou around stars less massive and cooler than the sun, by an international team in which the Institut d’astrophysique de Paris plays a major role...

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