stable electrocatalyst tagged posts

New, more Efficient Catalyst for Water Splitting

Although it is simple in theory, splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen is a complex process, requiring two separate reactions -- a hydrogen evolution reaction and an oxygen evolution reaction, each requiring a separate electrode.

Although it is simple in theory, splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen is a complex process, requiring two separate reactions — a hydrogen evolution reaction and an oxygen evolution reaction, each requiring a separate electrode.

Discovery could remove hurdle to producing hydrogen from water. University of Houston physicists have discovered a catalyst that can split water into hydrogen and oxygen, composed of easily available, low-cost materials and operating far more efficiently than previous catalysts. That would solve one of the primary hurdles remaining in using water to produce hydrogen. The catalyst, composed of ferrous metaphosphate grown on a conductive nickel foam platform, is far more efficient than previous catalysts, as well as less expensive to produce.

“Cost-wise, it is muc...

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