Stampede supercomputer tagged posts

Real-Time MRI Analysis powered by Supercomputers

Raw image data collected from dGEMRIC MRI protocol at an inversion time of 1600 milliseconds (left). The T1 map computed from seven different inversion times using the automated, real-time, quantitative magnetic resonance imaging pipeline (right). Credit: Image courtesy of University of Texas at Austin, Texas Advanced Computing Center

Raw image data collected from dGEMRIC MRI protocol at an inversion time of 1600 milliseconds (left). The T1 map computed from seven different inversion times using the automated, real-time, quantitative magnetic resonance imaging pipeline (right). Credit: Image courtesy of University of Texas at Austin, Texas Advanced Computing Center

A new, automated platform that returns in-depth analyses of MRI scans in minutes, rather than hours or days has been developed by Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC), University of Texas Health Science Center (UTHSC) and Philips Healthcare. The system has the potential to minimize patient callbacks, save millions annually, and advance precision medicine.

The team presented a proof-of-concept demonstration of the platform at the International Conference on ...

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