Staphylococcal aureus tagged posts

Last-itch effort: Fighting the Bacteria that exacerbate Eczema with bacteria

Researchers at UC San Diego School of Medicine use bacteriotherapy to improve symptoms of atopic dermatitis. Image: CDC, Unsplash

In a new study out of University of California San Diego School of Medicine, researchers have identified a universal strain of bacteria derived from healthy human skin that can treat the most common type of eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis.

In the paper published Feb. 22, 2021, in Nature Medicine, the research team investigated the safety and mechanisms of this certain bacteria in a first-in-human, Phase I, double-blinded clinical trial looking to treat people living with eczema. Of the 54 participants, two-thirds reported improvements in their symptoms, including fewer complaints of itchiness and inflammation.

“The main question we wanted to an...

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