star cluster formation tagged posts

Interplay of Magnetic fields and Gravitation in the Orion Nebula leads to Star Development

Interplay of magnetic fields and gravitation in the Orion Nebula leads to star development

Birthplace of the suns: The integral-shaped filament, the two star clusters above the filament, and cloud L1641 in the south can be seen on these images of the Orion A star formation region. The picture on the left shows a density map compiled with data from the Herschel space telescope, the one on the right an infrared image taken by the WISE space telescope. The photo in the centre is a combination of both images. Credit: A. M. Stutz / MPIA

Space bears witness to a constant stream of star births. And whole star clusters are often formed at the same time – and within a comparatively short period. Amelia Stutz and Andrew Gould from the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy in Heidelberg have proposed a new mechanism to explain this quick formation...

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