stem cells from the intracardiac blood vessels tagged posts

Heart Attack: Substitute Muscle Thanks to Stem Cells

After each heart attack, cardiac muscle cells die. Special stem cells might be able to build new muscle tissue. (Photo: Thinkstock/Dr_Microbe)

After each heart attack, cardiac muscle cells die. Special stem cells might be able to build new muscle tissue. (Photo: Thinkstock/Dr_Microbe)

Scientists have for the first time succeeded in generating beating cardiac muscle cells from special stem cells. They may provide a new approach for the treatment of heart attacks. Myocardial infarction – commonly known as a heart attack – is still one of the main causes of death. According to the Federal Statistical Office, more than 49,00 people died of its consequences. And yet the mortality after heart attack has greatly decreased over the past decades: As compared to the early 1990s, it has more than halved until 2015, according to the German Society of Cardiology (DGK)...

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