Steve tagged posts

New Kind of Aurora is Not an Aurora at All

The atmospheric phenomenon 'STEVE' which appears as a purple and green light ribbon in the sky. Credit: © Ryan / Fotolia

The atmospheric phenomenon ‘STEVE’ which appears as a purple and green light ribbon in the sky. Credit: © Ryan / Fotolia

Thin ribbons of purple and white light that sometimes appear in the night sky were dubbed a new type of aurora when brought to scientists’ attention in 2016. But new research suggests these mysterious streams of light are not an aurora at all but an entirely new celestial phenomenon. Amateur photographers had captured the new phenomenon, called STEVE, on film for decades. But the scientific community only got wind of STEVE in 2016. When scientists first looked at images of STEVE, they realized the lights were slightly different than light from typical auroras but were not sure what underlying mechanism was causing them.

In a new study, researchers analyzed a STEVE event...

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Mystery of Purple Lights in Sky solved with help from Citizen Scientists

Mystery of purple lights in sky solved with help from citizen scientists

STEVE and the Milky Way at Childs Lake, Manitoba, Canada. The picture is a composite of 11 images stitched together. Credit: Krista Trinder

Notanee Bourassa knew that what he was seeing in the night sky was not normal. Bourassa, an IT technician in Regina, Canada, trekked outside of his home on July 25, 2016, around midnight with his 2 younger children to show them a beautiful aurora borealis. When a thin purple ribbon of light appeared and starting glowing, Bourassa immediately snapped pictures until the light particles disappeared 20 minutes later. Having watched the northern lights for almost 30 years since he was a teenager, he knew this wasn’t an aurora. It was something else.

From 2015 to 2016, citizen scientists—people like Bourassa who are excited about a science field but don’t ne...

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