stress tagged posts

Neurobiologists Uncover how Stress turns into Fear in the Brain in Conditions such as PTSD

Our nervous systems are naturally wired to sense fear. Whether prompted by the eerie noises we hear alone in the dark or the approaching growl of a threatening animal, our fear response is a survival mechanism that tells us to remain alert and avoid dangerous situations.Read More

Can’t Sleep? Prebiotics could help

Image result for Better sleep? Prebiotics could help
Researchers suggest that dietary prebiotics could help to improve sleep quality in stressful situations.

Dietary compounds found to influence gut metabolites, buffering stress. Think dietary fiber is just for digestive health? Think again.

Specific fibers known as prebiotics can improve sleep and boost stress resilience by influencing gut bacteria and the potent biologically active molecules, or metabolites, they produce, new University of Colorado Boulder research shows.

The research could ultimately lead to new approaches to treating sleep problems, which affect 70 million Americans.

“The biggest takeaway here is that this type of fiber is not just there to bulk up the stool and pass through the digestive system,” said Robert Thompson, a postdoctoral researcher in the Depa...

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Is your Stress Changing my Brain?

Jaideep Bains, professor in the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, and Toni-Lee Sterley, postdoctoral fellow in Bains' lab and the study's lead author. Credit: Adrian Shellard, Hotchkiss Brain Institute.

Jaideep Bains, professor in the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, and Toni-Lee Sterley, postdoctoral fellow in Bains’ lab and the study’s lead author. Credit: Adrian Shellard, Hotchkiss Brain Institute.

Stress isn’t just contagious; it alters the brain on a cellular level. In a new study in Nature Neuroscience, Jaideep Bains, PhD, and his team at the Cumming School of Medicine’s Hotchkiss Brain Institute (HBI), at the University of Calgary have discovered that stress transmitted from others can change the brain in the same way as a real stress does. The study, in mice, also shows that the effects of stress on the brain are reversed in female mice following a social interaction. This was not true for male mice.

“Brain changes associated with stress underpin many mental illnesses in...

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New Insights into How the Brain Adapts to Stress

Anatomy of hippocampal circuit into which new neurons integrate. Neurogenesis is localized to the dentate gyrus (DG) region, where only excitatory granule cells are continually produced throughout life. The DG has a complex local circuitry, with both inhibitory interneurons and excitatory feedback neurons (mossy cells) participating in the network's behavior. Granule cells in the DG project to the CA3 region, which in addition to a robust recurrent connection then projects to the CA1 region. The CA1 then projects back to the entorhinal cortex and subiculum regions, closing the “hippocampal loop.”

Anatomy of hippocampal circuit into which new neurons integrate. Neurogenesis is localized to the dentate gyrus (DG) region, where only excitatory granule cells are continually produced throughout life. The DG has a complex local circuitry, with both inhibitory interneurons and excitatory feedback neurons (mossy cells) participating in the network’s behavior. Granule cells in the DG project to the CA3 region, which in addition to a robust recurrent connection then projects to the CA1 region. The CA1 then projects back to the entorhinal cortex and subiculum regions, closing the “hippocampal loop.”

Stressful events result in epigenetic modifications within immediate-early genes in hippocampus neurons...

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