structure of an amyloid fibril tagged posts

Sharpest Image of Alzheimer’s Fibrils shows previously unknown details

Science: Sharpest image of Alzheimer's fibrils shows previously unknown details

A cross section through the fibril illustrating the stepwise overlapping arrangement of the Aβ proteins Credit: Forschungszentrum Jülich / HHU Düsseldorf / Gunnar Schröder

A team from Germany and the Netherlands has determined the structure of an amyloid fibril with previously unachieved resolution. The fibrils of the body’s own amyloid beta (Aβ) protein are the main constituent of brain protein deposits associated with Alzheimer’s. The atomic-level 3D structure elucidated by the scientists reveals previously unknown aspects of the growth of harmful deposits and the effect of genetic risk factors.

The structure reveals how the many single Aβ protein molecules are staggered in layers on top of each other and are arranged into protofilaments...

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