Sunyaev-Zel’dovich Effect tagged posts

Why did the Pace of Star Formation in the Universe Slow Down some 11 billion years ago?

In an artist's conception, heated galactic wind shown in the hazy portion of the picture emanates from the bright quasar at the edge of a black hole, scattering dust and gas. If allowed to cool and condense, that dust and gas would instead begin to form stars. Credit: Johns Hopkins University

In an artist’s conception, heated galactic wind shown in the hazy portion of the picture emanates from the bright quasar at the edge of a black hole, scattering dust and gas. If allowed to cool and condense, that dust and gas would instead begin to form stars. Credit: Johns Hopkins University

Quasars slowed star formation new research shows. It appears intense radiation and galaxy-scale winds emitted by the quasars – the most luminous objects in the universe – heats up clouds of dust and gas. The heat prevents that material from cooling and forming more dense clouds, and eventually stars.

They looked at information on 17,468 galaxies and found a tracer of energy called the Sunyaev-Zel’dovich Effect...

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