Supergalactic Plane tagged posts

Why the Vast Supergalactic Plane is Teeming with Only One Type of Galaxy

Mustia pisteitä ellipsin sisällä, keskiosassa punainen ellipsigalaksi, reunalla sininen kiekkogalaksi.
In the supergalactic plane, which lies on the equator of the picture, galaxies experience frequent interactions and mergers, leading to the formation of massive elliptical galaxies. By contrast, galaxies away from the plane evolve in relative isolation, allowing them to preserve their disk-like structure. (Image: Till Sawala)

Our own Milky Way galaxy is part of a much larger formation, the local Supercluster structure, which contains several massive galaxy clusters and thousands of individual galaxies. Due to its pancake-like shape, which measures almost a billion light years across, it is also referred to as the Supergalactic Plane.

Most galaxies in the universe fall into one of two categories: firstly, elliptical galaxies, made mostly of old stars and containing typically extremel...

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