superhydrophobicity tagged posts

Cicada Wings may Inspire new Surface Technologies

The wings of Megatibicen dorsatus, a prairie-dwelling cicada, are helping engineers design water-repellent surfaces. Credit: Photo courtesy Catherine Dana

The wings of Megatibicen dorsatus, a prairie-dwelling cicada, are helping engineers design water-repellent surfaces. Credit: Photo courtesy Catherine Dana

Researchers are looking to insects – specifically cicadas – for insight into the design of artificial surfaces with de-icing, self-cleaning and anti-fogging abilities.Their wings allow cicadas to fly, of course, but they also are good at repelling water – a condition that humans can appreciate, too. “Our work with cicadas is letting us explore a field called bioinspiration,” said Nenad Miljkovic, a University of Illinois mechanical science and engineering professor who co-led a new study of cicada wings.

“We are learning as much as we can from the natural design of cicada wings to engineer artificial objects that are useful to humans...

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Nano-level Lubricant Tuning improves Material for Electronic devices and Surface Coatings

Image shows how controlled and dynamic surface architecturing/roughening of atomically thin MoS2 affects wettability.

Image shows how controlled and dynamic surface architecturing/roughening of atomically thin MoS2 affects wettability.

Molybdenum disulfide (MoS2), which is ubiquitously used as a solid lubricant, has recently been shown to have a 2D form similar to graphene. But, when thinned down to less than a nanometer thick, MoS2 demonstrates properties with great promise as a functional material for electronic devices and surface coatings. Researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign have developed a new approach to dynamically tune the micro- and nano-scale roughness of atomically thin MoS2, and consequently the appropriate degree of hydrophobicity for various potential MoS2-based applications.

“The knowledge of how new materials interact with water is a fundamental,” explained SungW...

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