Supernova Collides with Nearby Star tagged posts

Supernova Collides with Nearby Star, taking astrophysicists by surprise

Only 55 million lightyears away, this is one of the closest supernovae discovered in recent years. Credit: Image courtesy of University of California - Santa Barbara

Only 55 million lightyears away, this is one of the closest supernovae discovered in recent years. Credit: Image courtesy of University of California – Santa Barbara

In the 2009 film “Star Trek,” a supernova hurtles through space and obliterates a planet unfortunate enough to be in its path. Fiction, of course, but it turns out the notion is not so farfetched. Using the nearby Las Cumbres Observatory (LCO), astrophysicists from UC Santa Barbara have observed something similar: an exploding star slamming into a nearby companion star. What’s more, they detected the fleeting blue glow from the interaction at an unprecedented level of detail...

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