supersharp radio ‘vision’ of a continent-wide collection of radio telescopes tagged posts

Radio Observations confirm Superfast Jet of material from Neutron Star Merger

Aftermath of the merger of two neutron stars. Ejecta from an initial explosion formed a shell around the black hole formed from the merger. A jet of material propelled from a disk surrounding the black hole first interacted with the ejecta material to form a broad "cocoon." Later, the jet broke through to emerge into interstellar space, where its extremely fast motion became apparent. Credit: Sophia Dagnello, NRAO/AUI/NSF

Aftermath of the merger of two neutron stars. Ejecta from an initial explosion formed a shell around the black hole formed from the merger. A jet of material propelled from a disk surrounding the black hole first interacted with the ejecta material to form a broad “cocoon.” Later, the jet broke through to emerge into interstellar space, where its extremely fast motion became apparent.
Credit: Sophia Dagnello, NRAO/AUI/NSF

Jet appeared to move 4X faster than light. The supersharp radio ‘vision’ of a continent-wide collection of radio telescopes has answered an outstanding question about the aftermath of a merger of two neutron stars...

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