suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) tagged posts

Pinpointing the Cells that keep the Body’s Master Circadian Clock Ticking

The image shows a series of suprachiasmatic nucleus slices expressing click beetle green in AVP neurons and click beetle red in non-AVP neurons. As time progresses (spiraling into the image), the AVP (green) and non-AVP (red) neurons luminesce together rhythmically, thanks to the intact genetic clocks of the AVP neurons and exchange of neuronal signals. Digital manipulation of bioluminescence images. Artwork by John Abel and Alta Lewis Millard. Credit: Neuron

A new mouse model helps researchers study the roles of cell types in keeping time inside the body. UT Southwestern scientists have developed a genetically engineered mouse and imaging system that lets them visualize fluctuations in the circadian clocks of cell types in mice...

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