synchronous slow wave brain activity tagged posts

Mimicking Deep Sleep Brain activity Improves Memory

Optogenetic inactivation of M2 axons impairs memory consolidation (A) Diagram of the miniature wireless LED device that was attached to S1 (or M2) in both hemispheres. AAV-ArchT or AAV-GFP was injected (inset) into M2 (or S1) in both hemispheres. (B) Examples of EEG and EMG recordings during the resting period. Brain states were identified with EEG recordings (see Methods). (C) Diagram of sleep-state specific optogenetics. (D) Summary for the task when M2 fibers were inactivated at S1 during the three periods. (E) Summary for the task when S1 fibers were inactivated at M2 during resting-NREM sleep (0-1h after sampling period). The cumulative illumination time was 30 min in each state. Statistical significance among more than 2 groups (**P < 0.01) was assessed by one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s post-hoc test, statistical significance between 2 groups was assessed by Student’s t-test, statistical significance from 50 % chance level (#P < 0.05, ##P < 0.01) was assessed by one-sample t-test.

Optogenetic inactivation of M2 axons impairs memory consolidation (A) Diagram of the miniature wireless LED device that was attached to S1 (or M2) in both hemispheres. AAV-ArchT or AAV-GFP was injected (inset) into M2 (or S1) in both hemispheres. (B) Examples of EEG and EMG recordings during the resting period. Brain states were identified with EEG recordings (see Methods). (C) Diagram of sleep-state specific optogenetics. (D) Summary for the task when M2 fibers were inactivated at S1 during the three periods. (E) Summary for the task when S1 fibers were inactivated at M2 during resting-NREM sleep (0-1h after sampling period). The cumulative illumination time was 30 min in each state. Statistical significance among more than 2 groups (**P < 0...

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