synchrotron radiation tagged posts

Gamma-ray Burst captured in unprecedented detail

This image shows the most common type of gamma-ray burst, thought to occur when a massive star collapses, forms a black hole, and blasts particle jets outward at nearly the speed of light. An international team led by University of Maryland astronomers has constructed a detailed description of a similar gamma-ray burst event, named GRB160625B. Their analysis has revealed key details about the initial 'prompt' phase of gamma-ray bursts and the evolution of the large jets of matter and energy that form as a result. Credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center

This image shows the most common type of gamma-ray burst, thought to occur when a massive star collapses, forms a black hole, and blasts particle jets outward at nearly the speed of light. An international team led by University of Maryland astronomers has constructed a detailed description of a similar gamma-ray burst event, named GRB160625B. Their analysis has revealed key details about the initial ‘prompt’ phase of gamma-ray bursts and the evolution of the large jets of matter and energy that form as a result. Credit: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center

Data from multiple telescopes used to address long-standing questions about the universe’s most powerful explosions. Gamma-ray bursts are among the most energetic and explosive events in the universe...
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New info on Magnetic fields around active nucleus of galaxy Cygnus A

This is a view of the jets of the elliptical galaxy in Cygnus A. Credit: X-ray image: NASA/CXC/SAO; visible light image: NASA/STScI; radio waves image: NSF/NRAO/AUI/VLA.

This is a view of the jets of the elliptical galaxy in Cygnus A. Credit: X-ray image: NASA/CXC/SAO; visible light image: NASA/STScI; radio waves image: NSF/NRAO/AUI/VLA.

This is the first time polarimetric observations in the middle infrared region have been made of an active galaxy nucleus with CanariCam instrument on the Gran Telescopio CANARIAS. Cygnus A is an elliptical galaxy at around 600 million light years from the Earth, which has a supermassive black hole at its centre. It is one of the brightest sources of radio waves in the sky and featured in Contact, the famous science fiction novel by Carl Sagan which was made into a film. It has an active galactic nucleus which means that the black hole is “swallowing” material from its surroundings...

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X-ray Crystal Structure Lethal Factor in Stonefish Venom Solved


The stonefish is one of the world’s ugliest and deadliest fish. You’ll know if you step on one; the fish protects itself using 13 razor sharp venom filled spines capable of slicing through reef shoes. The resulting pain is crippling, can last for days and may result in amputation of a limb or death.

Structural Insights of the Stonefish toxin may help combat Transplant Rejection, ie the unexpected insight into a crucial human immune response that is responsible for the failure of up to 30% of bone marrow transplant therapies for treating leukaemia. The knowledge has been used to develop immunosuppressants to improve the success rate of transplant therapies.

The work reveals that the lethal component, a protein, Stonustoxin, is an ancient relative of the human immune protein perforin...

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