targeted electrical stimulation of the lumbar spinal cord and weight-assisted therapy tagged posts

Breakthrough in Treating Paralysis

STIMO study participant David Mzee is now able to take a few steps of his own. He was totally paraplegic after a sports accident. Credit: EPFL / Jean-Baptiste Mignardot

STIMO study participant David Mzee is now able to take a few steps of his own. He was totally paraplegic after a sports accident.
Credit: EPFL / Jean-Baptiste Mignardot

Targeted neurotechnology restores walking in humans with spinal cord injury. Three paraplegics who sustained cervical spinal cord injuries many years ago are now able to walk with the aid of crutches or a walker thanks to new rehabilitation protocols that combine targeted electrical stimulation of the lumbar spinal cord and weight-assisted therapy.

This latest study, called STIMO (STImulation Movement Overground), establishes a new therapeutic framework to improve recovery from spinal cord injury. All patients involved in the study recovered voluntary control of leg muscles that had been paralyzed for many years...

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