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Tatooine worlds orbiting 2 suns often Survive Violent Escapades of Aging Stars

Tatooine worlds orbiting 2 suns often survive violent escapades of aging stars

Artist view of a planet orbiting two aging stars that exchange material and spiral closer together. Credit: Jon Lomberg

Planets that revolve around 2 suns may surprisingly survive the violent late stages of the stars’ lives, according to new research from NASA Goddard Space Flight Centre and York University. The finding is surprising because planets orbiting close to a single sun, like Mercury and Venus in our solar system, would be destroyed when the aging star swells into a red giant. The study found that planets orbiting binary stars, also referred to as circumbinary planets or “Tatooine worlds” after the iconic planetary home of Luke Skywalker in Star Wars – often escape death and destruction by moving out to wider orbits.

“This is very different from what will happen in our own solar ...

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