temporary tattoo electrodes tagged posts

Temporary Tattoo Electrodes from an Ink-jet Printer, attractive for long-term Medical Diagnostics

This is Francesco Greco, researcher at TU Graz in Austria, with a temporary tattoo electrode. Credit: Lunghammer - TU Graz

This is Francesco Greco, researcher at TU Graz in Austria, with a temporary tattoo electrode. Credit: Lunghammer – TU Graz

Electrodes for longterm monitoring of electrical impulses of heart or muscles in the form of temporary tattoos produced using an ink-jet printer. In the case of diagnostic methods such as electrocardiogram (ECG) and electromyography (EMG), gel electrodes are the preferred method of transmitting electric impulses from the heart or muscle. In clinical practice the frequently stiff and cumbersome electrodes noticeably restrict the mobility of patients and are not very comfortable. Because the gel on the electrodes dries out after a short time, the possibilities of taking measurements over a longer period using this kind of electrode are limited.

In the presented method, c...

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