Tetraquarks tagged posts

Tetraquarks: New 4-Flavor Particle discovered

Scientists have discovered a new particle -- the latest member to be added to the exotic species of particle known as tetraquarks. Credit: Artwork by Fermilab

Scientists have discovered a new particle — the latest member to be added to the exotic species of particle known as tetraquarks. Credit: Artwork by Fermilab

Scientists on the DZero collaboration at Fermilab have discovered a new particle – the latest member to be added to the exotic species of particle known as tetraquarks. Quarks are point-like particles that typically come in packages of 2 or 3, the most familiar of which are the proton and neutron (each is made of 3 quarks). There are 6 types, or “flavors,” of quark to choose from: up, down, strange, charm, bottom and top. Each of these also has an antimatter counterpart. Over the last 60 years, scientists have observed hundreds of combinations of quark duos and trios.

In 2008 scientists on the Belle experiment in Japan reported the fi...

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