that a structure comprising an ultra-thin topological insulator tagged posts

Making a ‘Sandwich’ out of Magnets and Topological Insulators, Potential for Lossless Electronics

When two ferromagnets are placed on the top and bottom surfaces of a topological insulator, a gap is opened in the topological surface state, whilst the edge allows electrons to flow without resistance.

A Monash University-led research team has discovered that a structure comprising an ultra-thin topological insulator sandwiched between two 2D ferromagnetic insulators becomes a large-bandgap quantum anomalous Hall insulator.

Such a heterostructure provides an avenue towards viable ultralow energy future electronics, or even topological photovoltaics.

Topological Insulator: The Filling in the Sandwich

In the researchers’ new heterostructure, a ferromagnetic material forms the ‘bread’ of the sandwich, while a topological insulator (ie, a material displaying nontrivial topology) ...

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