thermochemical piles tagged posts

Giant Blobs of Rock, Deep Inside the Earth, Hold Important Clues About Our Planet

Cutaway of the Earth’s surface, down to the liquid core. A numerical convection experiment shows blobs in green, surrounding mantle rock in blue, and former oceanic crust from the surface that has subducted into the interior in yellow. Credit: Dr. Mingming Li/University of Colorado

Cutaway of the Earth’s surface, down to the liquid core. A numerical convection experiment shows blobs in green, surrounding mantle rock in blue, and former oceanic crust from the surface that has subducted into the interior in yellow. Credit: Dr. Mingming Li/University of Colorado

2 massive blob-like structures lie deep within Earth, roughly on opposite sides of the planet. Each the size of a continent and 100 times taller than Mount Everest, sit on the core, 1,800 miles deep, and about halfway to the center of Earth. Arizona State University scientists suggest these blobs are made of something different from the rest of Earth’s mantle.

“While the origin and composition of the blobs are yet unknown,” said Garnero, “we suspect they hold important clues as to how Earth was formed and how ...

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