total lunar eclipse tagged posts

Supermoon plus Eclipse Equals Rare Sky show Sunday night

Supermoon plus eclipse equals rare sky show Sunday night

This Sept. 13, 2015 image provided by NASA shows the moon, left, and the Earth, top, transiting the sun together, seen from the Solar Dynamics Observatory. The edge of Earth appears fuzzy because the atmosphere blocks different amounts of light at different altitudes. This image was taken in extreme ultraviolet wavelengths, invisible to human eyes, but here colorized in gold. A total lunar eclipse will share the stage with a so-called supermoon Sunday evening, Sept. 27, 2015 as seen from the United States. That combination hasn’t been seen since 1982 and won’t happen again until 2033. (NASA/SDO via AP) 

Get ready for a rare double feature, starring our very own moon...

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