Traffic Jam tagged posts

Avoiding ‘Traffic Jam’ creates impossibly bright ‘Lighthouse’

Artist’s impression of the “New Lighthouse Model.” Credit: NAOJ

Artist’s impression of the “New Lighthouse Model.” Credit: NAOJ

A supercomputer recreated a blinking impossibly bright “monster pulsar.” The central energy source of enigmatic pulsating Ultra Luminous X-ray sources (ULX) could be a neutron star according to numerical simulations performed by a research group led by Tomohisa Kawashima at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ). ULXs, which are remarkably bright X-ray sources, were thought to be powered by black holes. But in 2014, the X-ray space telescope “NuSTAR” detected unexpected periodic pulsed emissions in a ULX named M82 X-2. The discovery of this object named “ULX-pulsar” has puzzled astrophysicists...

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