transcriptional suppression of genes that are important for cellular protein synthesis by Gcn4 tagged posts

Protein that Extends Life of Yeast Cells

Gcn4 strongly represses translation in the long-lived RPKO strains and stresses. Quantification of global translation by Click-iT HPG for a different single and double KO strains, b glucose-starved (CR) and rapamycin-treated (RAPA) yeast cells. GCN4 deletion restores translation to the level of the wild-type strain in RPKO strains and also leads to increased translation in stressed cells. The significance of the two-tailed t-test between any given deletion strain and the wild-type strain is depicted above the respective bar. Mean values of the relative translation change between the GCN4 deletion strain and the respective parental strain are shown in parentheses. Error bars represent s.d. across three different biological replicates except glucose starvation where n = 2. The p-value for the two-tailed t-test is indicated by ‘*’: *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001. c Model for Gcn4 effect on translation and aging. Green lines indicate the findings in this study, black continuous lines denote previously established links, and the dashed line indicates a connection that remains to be studied

Gcn4 strongly represses translation in the long-lived RPKO strains and stresses. Quantification of global translation by Click-iT HPG for a different single and double KO strains, b glucose-starved (CR) and rapamycin-treated (RAPA) yeast cells. GCN4 deletion restores translation to the level of the wild-type strain in RPKO strains and also leads to increased translation in stressed cells. The significance of the two-tailed t-test between any given deletion strain and the wild-type strain is depicted above the respective bar. Mean values of the relative translation change between the GCN4 deletion strain and the respective parental strain are shown in parentheses. Error bars represent s.d. across three different biological replicates except glucose starvation where n = 2...

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