triglycerides tagged posts

High levels of Saturated Fat in the Blood could make an individual more prone to Inflammation, Tissue Damage


New research shows the presence of saturated fats resulted in monocytes, a white blood cell, migrating into the tissues of vital organs. Received wisdom on the health risks of eating saturated fat has been called into question recently. This new research supports the view that excessive consumption of saturated fat can be bad for us.

Scientists from Imperial College London studied mice that have an unusually high level of saturated fat circulating in their blood. The newly arrived monocytes could worsen tissue damage because they may exacerbate ongoing or underlying inflammation, but this aspect is still under study.
“The mice we studied were treated with a drug that caused them to accumulate extremely high levels of fat in their blood...

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Alzheimer’s disease thought to be Accelerated by an Abnormal Build-up of Fatty Acids in the Brain

Early NSC impairment in 3xTg-AD mice correlates with SVZ niche lipid accumulations • Similar lipid accumulations are found in the SVZ in postmortem human AD brains • Accumulating SVZ lipids are locally generated, oleic acid-enriched triglycerides • Inhibiting oleic acid signaling or synthesis rescues NSC defects in 3xTg-AD mice

Highlights •Early neural stem cell NSC impairment in 3xTg-AD mice correlates with SVZ subventricular zone niche lipid accumulations •Similar lipid accumulations are found in the SVZ in postmortem human AD brains •Accumulating SVZ lipids are locally generated, oleic acid-enriched triglycerides •Inhibiting oleic acid signaling or synthesis rescues NSC defects in 3xTg-AD mice Credit: Fernandes et al. Aberrant Lipid Metabolism in the Forebrain Niche Suppresses Adult Neural Stem Cell Proliferation in an Animal Model of Alzheimer’s Disease. Cell Stem Cell, 27 August 2015 DOI: 10.1016/j.stem.2015.08.001

For the 1st time since the disease was described 109 years ago, researchers have discovered accumulations of fat droplets/ lipids in the brain of patients who died from the disease and h...

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