Trojan asteroids tagged posts

Jupiter’s Unknown Journey Revealed

Jupiter was formed four times further from the sun than its current position would indicate, according to a new simulation.
Credit: Illustration: NASA/JPL-Caltech

The giant planet Jupiter was formed four times further from the sun than its current orbit, and migrated inwards in the solar system over a period of 700,000 years. Researchers found proof of this incredible journey thanks to a group of asteroids close to Jupiter.

It is known that gas giants around other stars are often located very near their sun. According to accepted theory, these gas planets were formed far away and subsequently migrated to an orbit closer to the star.

Now researchers from Lund University and other institutions have used advanced computer simulations to learn more about Jupiter’s journey through ou...

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Finding new Worlds with a Play of Light and Shadow

Finding new worlds with a play of light and shadow

The most successful technique for finding planets beyond our solar system so far is transit photometry, which measures changes in a star’s brightness caused by a mini-eclipse. When a planet crosses in front of its star along our line of sight, it blocks some of the star’s light. If the dimming lasts for a set amount of time and occurs at regular intervals, it likely means an exoplanet is passing in front of, or transiting, the star once every orbital period.

NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope has used this technique to become the most successful planet-hunting spacecraft to date, with more than a thousand established discoveries and many more awaiting confirmation...

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