tumor-associated antigens tagged posts

A novel DNA Vaccine design improves chances of inducing Anti-Tumor Immunity

Anti-tumor Immunity Elicited by pSynConWT1-S(A) Mice were challenged with 106 ...

Anti-tumor Immunity Elicited by pSynConWT1-S (A) Mice were challenged with 106 mWT1-C1498 tumor cells injected subcutaneously and were vaccinated weekly starting 3 days post-tumor implant. Tumor measurements are reported in terms of tumor volume only for surviving mice until day 28. (B) Survival data from the tumor therapeutic challenge in (A). Vaccination with pSynConWT1-S extended survival in tumor-bearing mice. (C) Representative image of tumor size in naive or pSynConWT1-S vaccinated groups at day 14 post-mWT1-C1498 implantation. Error bars represent the average ± SEM.

Scientists at The Wistar Institute and Inovio Pharmaceuticals, Inc...

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