type 2 diabetes tagged posts

Scientists Block RNA Silencing Protein in Liver to Prevent Obesity and Diabetes in Mice

Effects of hepatic Ago2-deficiency on MD-miRNA expression in the liver

Effects of hepatic Ago2-deficiency on MD-miRNA expression in the liver

New treatment for a major health problem? Obesity and its related ailments like type 2 diabetes and fatty liver disease pose a major global health burden, but researchers report in Nature Communications that blocking an RNA-silencing protein in the livers of mice keeps the animals from getting fat and diabetic conditions.

Takahisa Nakamura, PhD, and colleagues at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center genetically deleted a protein called Argonaute 2 (Ago2) from the livers of mice. Ago2 controls the silencing of RNA in cells, affecting energy metabolism in the body, according to the study...

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Why Weight Loss produces Remission of Type 2 Diabetes in some patients

This figure shows cross sectional MRI images are displayed with pixels colour-coded for fat content. In this individual, the high liver fat at baseline (30.4 percent) decreased to 1.3 percent after weight loss. The lower panels, at the level of the pancreas (outlined in white), show the decrease in pancreas fat (8.9 to 7.5 percent) associated with the restoration of first phase and maximal insulin secretion. Credit: Taylor et al.

This figure shows cross sectional MRI images are displayed with pixels colour-coded for fat content. In this individual, the high liver fat at baseline (30.4 percent) decreased to 1.3 percent after weight loss. The lower panels, at the level of the pancreas (outlined in white), show the decrease in pancreas fat (8.9 to 7.5 percent) associated with the restoration of first phase and maximal insulin secretion.
Credit: Taylor et al.

A clinical trial recently showed that nearly half of individuals with type 2 diabetes achieved remission to a non-diabetic state after a weight-loss intervention delivered within 6 years of diagnosis...

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Could Broccoli be a secret weapon against Diabetes?

Broccoli sprouts. Credit: © dariaren / Fotolia

Broccoli sprouts. Credit: © dariaren / Fotolia

Concentrated broccoli sprout extract may help type 2 diabetes patients manage their blood sugar, according to a new study. The findings could offer a much needed alternative to address the condition, which has become a worldwide epidemic. Type 2 diabetes afflicts more than 300 million people globally, and as many as 15% of those patients cannot take the first-line therapy metformin because of kidney damage risks. Seeking a more viable path forward, Annika Axelsson and colleagues used a computational approach to identify compounds that might counter the disease-associated gene expression changes associated with type 2 diabetes.

The researchers constructed a signature for type 2 diabetes based on 50 genes, then used publicly available expressio...

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When Liver Immune Cells turn Bad

Intrahepatic IFN-I signaling and responsive CD8+ T cells promote metabolic disease in mice and correlate to worsened NAFLD in humans.

Intrahepatic IFN-I signaling and responsive CD8+ T cells promote metabolic disease in mice and correlate to worsened NAFLD in humans.

A high-fat diet and obesity turn “hero” virus-fighting liver immune cells “rogue”, leading to insulin resistance, a condition that often results in type 2 diabetes, according to research published today in Science Immunology. Using cells from mice and human livers, Toronto General Hospital Research Institute researchers demonstrated for the first time how under specific conditions, such as obesity, liver CD8+ T cells, white blood cells in the control of viral infections, become highly activated and inflammatory, reprogramming themselves into disease-driving cells.

Scientists have been trying for many years to discover why the liver continues to pump out too ...

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