Type Ia supernovae tagged posts

Latest dark energy survey data suggest possible variations in dark energy over time

Latest dark energy survey data suggest possible variations in dark energy over time
The Dark Energy Camera (DECam), fabricated by the Department of Energy (DOE), is mounted on the Víctor M. Blanco 4-meter Telescope at the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory (CTIO) in north-central Chile. Telescope construction started in 1969 with the casting of the primary mirror. The assembly at the Cerro Tololo mountaintop was finished in 1974. Upon completion of construction it was the 3rd largest telescope in the world, behind the 200-inch Hale telescope at Palomar Observatory in California and the BTA-6 in southern Russia, and was the largest in the Southern Hemisphere (a title that it held for 22 years). It was later named in 1995 in honor of Víctor M. Blanco, Puerto Rican astronomer and former director of CTIO. Credit: DOE/FNAL/DECam/R. Hahn/CTIO/NOIRLab/NSF/AURA 

A new...

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Study using X-Ray Telescope indicates that Dark Energy is Uniformly Distributed in Space and Time

eROSITA X-Ray study indicates that dark energy is uniformly distributed in space and time
X-ray (over) and optical pseudo-color (below) images of three low mass clusters identified in the eFEDS survey data. The highest redshift cluster come from a time when the universe was approximately 10 billion years younger than today. The cluster galaxies in that case are clearly much redder than the galaxies in the other two clusters. Credit: eRosita

When Edwin Hubble observed distant galaxies in the 1920s, he made the groundbreaking discovery that the universe is expanding. It was not until 1998, however, that scientists observing Type Ia supernovae further discovered that the universe is not just expanding but has begun a phase of accelerating expansion. “To explain this acceleration, we need a source,” says Joseph Mohr, astrophysicist at LMU...

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Role of Supernovae in Clocking the Universe

Supernova G299

New research confirms the role Type Ia supernovae, like G299 pictured above, play in measuring universe expansion. Courtesy ofNASAdownload

New research by cosmologists at the University of Chicago and Wayne State University confirms the accuracy of Type Ia supernovae in measuring the pace at which the universe expands. The findings support a widely held theory that the expansion of the universe is accelerating and such acceleration is attributable to a mysterious force known as dark energy. The findings counter recent headlines that Type Ia supernova cannot be relied upon to measure the expansion of the universe.

Using light from an exploding star as bright as entire galaxies to determine cosmic distances led to the 2011 Nobel Prize in physics...

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Origin of Extraordinary Supernovae can be explained by the ‘accretion scenario.’

Image around SN 2012dn obtained by the Kanata Telescope at Higashi-Hiroshima Observatory. SN 2012dn is seen near the center of this figure. The host galaxy ESO 462-G016 is seen on the left side of SN 2012dn. The distance to this galaxy is known to be 130 mega-light-years. Because the supernova is a point source, the expansion cannot be measured, but the evolutions of the brightness and color are obtained. Credit: Higashi-Hiroshima Observatory

Image around SN 2012dn obtained by the Kanata Telescope at Higashi-Hiroshima Observatory. SN 2012dn is seen near the center of this figure. The host galaxy ESO 462-G016 is seen on the left side of SN 2012dn. The distance to this galaxy is known to be 130 mega-light-years. Because the supernova is a point source, the expansion cannot be measured, but the evolutions of the brightness and color are obtained. Credit: Higashi-Hiroshima Observatory

Using Optical and Infrared Synergetic Telescopes for Education and Research (OISTER), researchers discovered an anomalously strong infrared emission from ‘the extraordinary supernova’ SN 2012dn, which has never been observed in other Type Ia supernovae to date...

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