uantum and classical information processing tagged posts

Pivotal discovery in Quantum and Classical Information processing

Tuned photon-magnon interactions. The team’s device is in the center. Arrow indicates direction of spin excitation for magnons. The purplish shroud represents reflectance measurements. The separated darker lines on each side that intersect at the top indicate tunable strong photon-magnon coupling. (Image by Argonne National Laboratory.)
Tuned photon-magnon interactions. The team’s device is in the center. Arrow indicates direction of spin excitation for magnons. The purplish shroud represents reflectance measurements. The separated darker lines on each side that intersect at the top indicate tunable strong photon-magnon coupling. (Image by Argonne National Laboratory.)

Researchers have achieved, for the first time, electronically adjustable interactions between microwaves and a phenomenon in certain magnetic materials called spin waves. This could have application in quantum and classical information processing.

Working with theorists in the University of Chicago’s Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering, researchers in the U.S...

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