ubiquitination tagged posts

Widespread Tumor Suppression Mechanism Stops Cancer Progression by interfering with cancer cell Metabolism

Novel Parkin ubiquitome in cancer.(A) Bioinformatics analysis of predicted protein networks regulated by Parkin ubiquitination in the absence of mitochondrial uncoupling, including cell death (HK1, MCL1, and HMGB1), glucose metabolism involving glycolysis (HK1 and TPI1) and the PPP (TALDO1 and TKT), protein folding (CCT7 and HSPA1A, also known as HSP72), and mitochondrial dynamics (RHOT1, FIS1, and MFN2). Parkin-directed ubiquitination sites (Lys, K) identified by SILAC proteomics in each target protein are indicated. (B) PC3 cells in the presence or absence of Parkin were immunoprecipitated with an antibody to MFN2, and immune complexes were probed with antibodies to ubiquitin (Ub) or MFN2 by Western blotting. IP, immunoprecipitation; IB, immunoblot. (C) The conditions are as in (B) exce...
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