UGC 1382 tagged posts

‘Frankenstein’ Galaxy surprises astronomers

At left, in optical light, UGC 1382 appears to be a simple elliptical galaxy. But spiral arms emerged when astronomers incorporated ultraviolet and deep optical data (middle). Combining that with a view of low-density hydrogen gas (shown in green at right), scientists discovered that UGC 1382 is gigantic. Credit: NASA/JPL/Caltech/SDSS/NRAO/L. Hagen and M. Seibert

At left, in optical light, UGC 1382 appears to be a simple elliptical galaxy. But spiral arms emerged when astronomers incorporated ultraviolet and deep optical data (middle). Combining that with a view of low-density hydrogen gas (shown in green at right), scientists discovered that UGC 1382 is gigantic. Credit: NASA/JPL/Caltech/SDSS/NRAO/L. Hagen and M. Seibert

About 250 million light-years away, there’s a neighborhood of our universe that astronomers had considered quiet and unremarkable. But now, scientists have uncovered an enormous, bizarre galaxy possibly formed from the parts of other galaxies. A new study reveals the secret of UGC 1382, a galaxy that had originally been thought to be old, small and typical...

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