ultralow frequency plasma waves tagged posts

Finding a Killer Electron Hot Spot in Earth’s Van Allen Radiation Belts

Image: Multi-point satellite observations by JAXA/Arase and NASA/Van Allen Probes
      Electrons detected at Van Allen Probes position (left) drift to the Arase position (right)
      Credit:  ERG Science Team

JAXA and NASA satellite observations show where killer electrons are generated in the Van Allen radiation belts surrounding Earth. The finding, published in the journal Geophysical Research Letters, could help scientists more accurately forecast when these killer (relativistic) electrons will form.

Professor Yoshizumi Miyoshi of the Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research at Nagoya University and colleagues compared data from two satellites situated on opposite sides of the Earth: the Arase satellite, developed by the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)...

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