Ultrasound? tagged posts

Scientists Demonstrate use of Ultrasound to Alter Inflammatory and Metabolic Response

Fig. 1
Modulation of the cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway through the vagus nerve, splenic nerve and spleen. a Electrical stimulation of the vagus nerve or US stimulation of the spleen is thought to modulate the neural communication with T Cells and Macrophages, blocking the production of inflammatory cytokines and promoting an anti-inflammatory state. bTimeline of a typical experiment performed in the presented study in which animals were injected with 300 μl of K/BxN serum on day 0 and treated with focused US that targeted the spleen on days -1 through 6

GE Research and Feinstein Institute for Medical Research bioelectronic medicine teams have demonstrated potentially breakthrough non-invasive methods to regulate dysfunction in the body’s metabolic or inflammatory control systems ...

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Future Smartwatches could Sense Hand Movement using Ultrasound imaging

This is ultrasonic imaging of the forearm. Credit: Copyright BIG, University of Bristle 65

This is ultrasonic imaging of the forearm.

New research has shown future wearable devices, such as smartwatches, could use ultrasound imaging to sense hand gestures. Computers are growing in number and wearable computers, such as smartwatches, are gaining popularity. Devices around the home, such as WiFi light bulbs and smart thermostats, are also on the increase. However, current technology limits the capability to interact with these devices. Hand gestures have been suggested as an intuitive and easy way of interacting with and controlling smart devices in different surroundings. For instance, a gesture could be used to dim the lights in the living room, or to open or close a window...

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