Universal Brain-Computer Interface lets people Play Games with just their Thoughts tagged posts

Universal Brain-Computer Interface lets People Play Games with just their Thoughts

Texas Engineering student wearing electrode cap at computer desk
Hussein Alawieh, a graduate student in Dr. José del R. Millán’s lab, wears a cap packed with electrodes that is hooked up to a computer. The electrodes gather data by measuring electrical signals from the brain, and the decoder interprets that information and translates it into game action.

Engineers have created a brain-computer interface that doesn’t require calibration for each user, paving the way for widespread clinical applicability.

Imagine playing a racing game like Mario Kart, using only your brain to execute the complex series of turns in a lap.

This is not a video game fantasy, but a real program that engineers at The University of Texas at Austin have created as part of research into brain-computer interfaces to help improve the lives of people with motor disabiliti...

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