Universal Protection against Influenza A viruses tagged posts

Nanoparticle Vaccine offers Universal Protection against Influenza A viruses, study finds

Recombinant protein construction and PNp generation and characterization

Recombinant protein construction and PNp generation and characterization

Researchers have developed a universal vaccine to combat influenza A viruses that produces long-lasting immunity in mice and protects them against the limitations of seasonal flu vaccines, according to a study led by Georgia State University. The CDC estimates influenza has resulted in between 12,000 and 56,000 deaths annually in the U.S. since 2010.

Seasonal flu vaccines must be updated each year to match the influenza viruses that are predicted to be most common during the upcoming flu season, but protection doesn’t always meet expectations or new viruses emerge and manufacturers incorrectly guess which viruses will end up spreading...

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