upermassive black hole tagged posts

Scientists reach Back in Time to discover some of the most Power-packed Galaxies

In the heart of an active galaxy, matter falling toward a supermassive black hole generates jets of particles traveling near the speed of light. Image Credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization Studio

In the heart of an active galaxy, matter falling toward a supermassive black hole generates jets of particles traveling near the speed of light. Image Credit: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization Studio

When the universe was young, a supermassive black hole – bloated to the bursting point with stupendous power – heaved out a jet of particle-infused energy that raced through the vastness of space at nearly the speed of light. Billions of years later, a trio of Clemson University scientists, led by College of Science astrophysicist Marco Ajello, has identified this black hole and 4 others similar to it that range in age from 1.4 billion to 1.9 billion years old...

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A New Look at the Galaxy-Shaping Power of Black Holes

Visible light and x-ray images of the Perseus cluster of galaxies

Two images show the Perseus cluster of galaxies. The image on the left shows a close up image of active galaxy NGC 1275, the central, dominant member of the Perseus cluster (credit: Data – Hubble Legacy Archive, ESA, NASA; Processing – Al Kelly). The image on the right shows the cluster using an X-ray telescope revealing the atmosphere of plasma enveloping the whole galaxy cluster.

Data from a now-defunct X-ray satellite is providing new insights into the complex tug-of-war between galaxies, the hot plasma that surrounds them, and the giant black holes that lurk in their centres. Launched from Japan on February 17, 2016, the Japanese space agency (JAXA) Hitomi X-ray Observatory functioned for just over a month before contact was lost and the craft disintegrated...

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