UPR tagged posts

Blocking a Critical Enzyme Helps to Mitigate Diseases associated with Protein Folding and Lipid Stress

These images show a reduction in the number of macrophages infiltrating atherosclerotic plaques (in green) in animals treated with the IRE1 inhibitor. Credit: Image courtesy of University of California - Santa Barbara

These images show a reduction in the number of macrophages infiltrating atherosclerotic plaques (in green) in animals treated with the IRE1 inhibitor. Credit: Image courtesy of University of California – Santa Barbara

Proteins begin life as long strings of amino acids that must fold into the 3D shape prescribed for their biological function. When proteins don’t fold as expected the cells activate stress responses meant to mitigate the problem. But severe or prolonged stress produces an acute response: Cell death is triggered to protect the organism.

Sustained activation of one such reaction – the unfolded protein response, or UPR – has been implicated in a number of diseases...

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