vaccine-induced antibodies tagged posts

Vaccine Strategy Induces Antibodies that can Target Multiple Influenza Viruses

This is an X-ray crystal structure image of one of the new signature antibodies. The blue ribbons show antibody 16.a.26 Fab regions. The grey ribbons represent HA of influenza strain 1968 Hong Kong. The green spheres are glycans. Credit: NIAID VRC

This is an X-ray crystal structure image of one of the new signature antibodies. The blue ribbons show antibody 16.a.26 Fab regions. The grey ribbons represent HA of influenza strain 1968 Hong Kong. The green spheres are glycans. Credit: NIAID VRC

Scientists have identified 3 types of vaccine-induced antibodies that can neutralize diverse strains of influenza virus that infect humans. It will help guide development of a universal influenza vaccine, according to investigators at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), and the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), both part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and collaborators who conducted the research.

The seasonal influenza vaccine must be updated each year because flu viruses mutate...

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