Valvular heart disease tagged posts

AI finds a way to People’s Hearts (literally!)

Evaluation of Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction
Left: Chest radiograph
Right: Visualization of the grounds for the AI’s judgment
Credit: Daiju Ueda, OMU

Unveiling a groundbreaking and accurate AI-based method to classify cardiac function and disease using chest X-Rays. AI (artificial intelligence) may sound like a cold robotic system, but Osaka Metropolitan University scientists have shown that it can deliver heartwarming — or, more to the point, “heart-warning” — support. They unveiled an innovative use of AI that classifies cardiac functions and pinpoints valvular heart disease with unprecedented accuracy, demonstrating continued progress in merging the fields of medicine and technology to advance patient care. The results will be published in The Lancet Digital Health.

Valvular hea...

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Computer-Designed Customized Regenerative Heart Valves

Computer-designed customized regenerative heart valve. Credit: Image adapted from figure in publication

Computer-designed customized regenerative heart valve. Credit: Image adapted from figure in publication

Cardiovascular tissue engineering aims to treat heart disease with prostheses that grow and regenerate. Now, researchers have successfully implanted regenerative heart valves, designed with the aid of computer simulations, into sheep for the first time. Tissue engineering, which involves growing replacement parts in the laboratory, forms a key part of this research. The parts can be used to replace defective cells and tissues in the body and restore their normal functioning. The bioengineered replacements have significant advantages over the artificial implants currently in use: They do not cause immune reactions in the patient’s body, and they can grow and regenerate themselves.

An inte...

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