Van Allen Probes satellites tagged posts

Scientists Discover Phenomenon Impacting Earth’s Radiation Belts

Scientists discover phenomenon impacting Earth's radiation belts
This graphic shows a cutaway model of Earth’s radiation belts with the two Van Allen Probes satellites flying through them. Credit: NASA illustration

Two University of Alaska Fairbanks scientists have discovered a new type of “whistler,” an electromagnetic wave that carries a substantial amount of lightning energy to the Earth’s magnetosphere.

The research is published today in Science Advances.

Vikas Sonwalkar, a professor emeritus, and Amani Reddy, an assistant professor, discovered the new type of wave. The wave carries lightning energy, which enters the ionosphere at low latitudes, to the magnetosphere. The energy is reflected upward by the ionosphere’s lower boundary, at about 55 miles altitude, in the opposite hemisphere.

It was previously believed, the authors write, ...

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