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We could Reverse Aging by Removing Wrinkles inside our Cells, study suggests

Irina M. Bochkis, Ph.D., of the University of Virginia School of Medicine, has made a new discovery that could let us prevent or cure diseases such as diabetes and fatty liver disease -- and possibly let us turn back the clock on aging itself. Credit: Dan Addison, University of Virginia Communications

Irina M. Bochkis, Ph.D., of the University of Virginia School of Medicine, has made a new discovery that could let us prevent or cure diseases such as diabetes and fatty liver disease — and possibly let us turn back the clock on aging itself. Credit: Dan Addison, University of Virginia Communications

How would we do it? By using viruses as tiny aestheticians. A new discovery about the effects of aging in our cells could allow doctors to cure or prevent diabetes, fatty liver disease and other metabolic diseases – and possibly even turn back the clock on aging itself. The new finding from the University of Virginia School of Medicine suggests that fatty liver disease and other unwanted effects of aging may be the result of our cells’ nuclei getting wrinkly...

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